
The Battleground Brewers Guild was founded in Greensboro, North Carolina in November of 2000. We chose to use Battleground in our name because Battleground Avenue is a major road in Greensboro that passes the site of an important Revolutionary war battle between the American General, Nathaniel Greene and the British General, Cornwallis.

Like our forefathers we enjoy a hearty brew or two. We enjoy gathering at a pub, or home, to discourse on about anything, but mostly sampling and discussing beer, homebrewed and commercial. We exchange ideas on brewing and brewing equipment in hopes of advancing our skills as brewers. We have a Mentor program for teaching new brewers the steps to brewing an excellent homebrew.

We meet monthly on the 3rd Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Our club calendar will have the most updated location information.

The monthly meetings cover topics such as: making and judging beer styles, ingredient use, brewing methods, yeast preparation, and troubleshooting beer flavors. Members are encouraged to bring a beer that is representative of a style or a beer they want feedback on, to share with the other members.

Annual events observed are: National Homebrewers Day on the 1st Saturday in May, a family summer picnic, a family friendly Oktoberfest party and a members Holiday party.

Our goals are to provide a place for members to learn and teach about the craft of homebrewing and to foster a sense of beer appreciation. No matter what level of experience all brewers new and experienced can contribute to the craft. And, as always, remember to “Relax, don’t worry, have a homebrew.”

Club Information

President – Aaron Miller
Treasurer – Dan Borque
Membership – Don Diemer
Competition – Walt Bilous
Communication – Robert Russell
Webmaster – Chris Bristol

Club representatives for the following Organizations:

American Homebrewers Association (AHA) – Donald Diemer
Southeastern Homebrews Association (SHA, formerly CARBOY) – Walt Bilous
Beer Judge and Certification Program (BJCP) – Derick Shular

You may also view our By Laws.